Your Research & Innovation Partner

To work with you to tackle climate change, build a resilient, more human-centric economy while creating prosperity.

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Problem? Let solve it together

We are strange - we love problems :) We love to deal with and to solve them. Even wicked-problems do not scare us. We believe we can tackle them by engaging all actors into co-creation.

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What can you expect from working with us?

We are committed to tackling your challenges alongside you, co-creatively crafting practical solutions to overcome them. Our approach is built on honesty and transparency, and we value the same level of openness from you.

Our actions are rooted in evidence and reality, ensuring a clear and focused path forward.

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Our expertise

We (re)invent scalable, sustainable business models (including circular business models) for startups and mature companies.

We support new value chain creation.


We create and deliver competence building programmes and programmes for cultural change (transformation).




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Sustainable Business Design

We add a sustainability dimension to your concept in terms of its impact on People, Planet, Profit.


With our expertise, we can help you create a business model that not only benefits your bottom line but also supports social and environmental responsibility contributing to social innovation. 


Business Design for scalable business models

We help every time you need to look after the business dimension of your technology or idea.

We create co-innovation spaces, living labs to explore and exploit the most feasible solutions.


Organisational Culture Transformation

We create bespoke competence building programmes, pilots that work with selected aspects to shape desired organisational cultures.


We look after human-related aspects of your projects.

How do we work?


We are business designers at our hearts: we challenge our understanding of reality, ask what if, formulate business hypotheses, design and execute experiments to always make decisions based on evidence.

Better Organisations for... better organisations


We face, as a humanity, tremendous challenges. The effort of governments and policy makers is important, but to face the challenges on a full scale, we need a new type of organisation. Better organisations.

We are on the threshold of a technological revolution, which could completely change our world. Due to this, we need a human-centered approach even more, so as not to lose ourselves in technology, and make sure that technology works to our advantage. For all of us.


We need more agile, more resistant organisations delivering more efficiently the value to owners, employees, customers and communities. We need to learn how to design and implement businesses in a sustainable way, by default.

Our actions help to create such organisations. Better Organisations.

Organisational culture is based on the values, beliefs and behaviors practiced in an organisation. As such, it permeates all aspects of your organisation, influencing the possibilities of implementing your idea.

Successful coping with challenges does not happen without the right organisational culture. Shaping it, it's a long run, but this meta-level of 'human-ness' in business is at the core of our professional interest.








We create and facilitate living labs - co-innovative spaces within which we develop new business models and value chains using a multi-actor approach.

Write a few words about your business challenge, we will get back to you as soon as possible.